Elektron B1 Ultra
The Simple Answer to Ultrasonic Cutting.
The Elektron B1 Ultra is a single bayonet tool ultrasonic cutter intended used in specialised applications for ultrasonic cutting and sealing of technical textiles where a single tool can be used for most operations.
The biggest application of the Elektron B1 Ultra is cutting window furnishing materials, screen, sheer and blockout where a clean, fray free cut edge is necessary to meet customer's expectations.
Elektron B1 Ultra cutters have been used for medical applications in sleep apnoea masks and custom bandages where edge sealing synthetic fabrics is required.
A more niche application is cutting and sealing of MLI (Multi Layer Insulation) materials used in aerospace applications in satellites and spacecraft where materials cut and seal well with a single tool.

Single-Tool Versatility
Automated Ultrasonic Cutting Done Right

Windows Furnishings, Blinds, Screens and Shades.
The Elektron B1 Ultra cutting system is an Elektron B2 fitted with a single bayonet mount tool holder, a quick-change ultrasonic tool, sonotrode cooling, digital pressure control, an ultrasonic specific vacuum table and software optimised for the process.
The Elektron B1 Ultra is simply a single tool Elektron B2 Ultra cutting system with only one tool. If you just use one ultrasonic tool per job then the Elektron B1 Ultra is the perfect solution.
But there are plenty of times where you can do most of the work with just one tool and occasionally need to use a different type tool and don't want the added expense of a multi-tool cutter, then this versatile machine fits the picture.
The bayonet tool holder can take drop-in reciprocating knives, both electric and pneumatic as well as ultrasonic tools, powered rotary blade cutters and plunge cut tools. In addition you can fit the normal range of unpowered cutting tools like rotary (pizza) blade holders (18mm, 28mm, 45mm), drag blades and creasing tools.

Ultrasonic Cut and Seal of MLI Materials.
The Elektron B2 Ultra may be the only machine of its type, configured to cut multi layer insulation materials. Certainly, several customers have said they have found that the Elektron B2 Ultra is the only machine designed to do the job.
Typically for MLI work, Elektron B2 Ultra cutters are set up with one or more custom ultrasonic tools with profiles designed to seal the MLI matrix and then profile cut it. Additional tooling can be added to suit an application such as an inkjet print head for precise labelling and annotation and precision blade tools for perforating materials for depressurisation.
For more information on the Elektron B1 Ultra, see the Elektron B2 page…
How Ultrasonic Cutting Works
Ultrasonics are used in many applications from medical imaging to cleaning, welding and cutting. Here, we're only looking at ultrasonic cutting of textiles.
An ultrasonic tool consists of three main parts; a generator which outputs a high audio-frequency signal, and incorporated into the tool body, a piezo element which converts that into an oscillating movement and a sonotrode which amplifies the movement. In the frequency used is beyond the spectrum of human hearing, from 20 kHz to 45 kHz.
The elements in the tool body form a tuned system, like a tuning fork, which vibrates in sympathy with the generator's signal.
Ultrasonic cutting of textiles other than composites, is normally done on a hard table surface such as steel, ceramic or glass. Composite cutting is normally done on a soft overlay where the blade penetrates the cutting surface.
The Sonotrode is the part of the tool which does the cutting work and the tip is specially shaped for the intended purpose. Sharper tips are used to cut and rounded tips to seal. Cut and seal tips can do both jobs on some materials.
The sonotrode tip is vibrating at very high frequency. When in contact with many synthetic fabrics, the vibrations cause the material to melt under the sonotrode.
Given the right sonotrode profile, ultrasonic power and speed, a cut and seal will result in the material.
Synthetic fabrics which don't melt easily such as Kevlar may be cut by a combination of the sawing action of a blade shaped sonotrode and simple fatigue breaking of the fibres.
Natural and soft fibres are generally not obvious candidates for ultrasonic cutting because they can be cut by alternative methods and there's not going to be any melting taking place.
One Bayonet Quick-change Tooling Holders
Bayonet mount ultrasonic tools lock in just like the lens on an SLR camera in few seconds and can be removed for sonotrode changes in seconds.
Crease and Crush Cutting Tools.
Non-powered tools such as crease and crush cut tools and powered tools such as the plunge knife can be fitted to the bayonet holder.
Concentric Pen Adaptor for Accurate Marking
Compatible with a wide range of markers (ballpoints, paint markers, etc.), enabling easy marker type changes without affecting seam allowances.
Optional Higher Pressure Tool Axes
For applications requiring extreme pressure, such as cutting and creasing tougher materials, the tool axis can be made higher pressure. As with most Aeronaut cutters, tool pressure is software controlled.
The Future-proof Solution
The Elektron B1 Ultra is a single steered tool holder cutter which for sure will take all the tools you think you need… (and the others too).
Long Service Life
Engineered without compromise, the bayonet tool holder module has been made for almost three decades without any significant change.
Very low maintenance
The Elektron gantry is designed for low maintenance. The drive system is belt driven with no hard-to-replace and rapidly-wearing gears to worry about.
Ultrasonic and Beyond
Many window furnishing fabrics need an edge seal and ultrasonic tools and the reliable Elektron Ultra cutters are the undisputed industry standard..
Bayonet tools drop in from above the holder and are locked in alignment with a 1/4 turn bayonet ring. Tool changes take just a few seconds which is perfect for blade replacements.
The bayonet tool range includes both pneumatic and electric powered reciprocating blade tools, ultrasonic tools for cut and sea, powered rotary blade tools and plunge knife tools.
Almost any unpowered tool be bayonet mounted including 18mm, 28mm and 45mm rotary blades, tangential or drag knives with various depth stops for normal and high friction materials, creasing and scoring tools in a wide range of profiles.

Contact Aeronaut
Get the facts from the factory direct. If you want advice on automated cutting, an offer on a complete cutting system or to arrange a demonstration, just ask!