Automated Cutters for Upholstery, Marine and Motor Trimming

Aeronaut's small format flatbed cutters are the perfect tool for custom and short run upholstery, marine and motor trimming. Fast, precise, reliable and low maintenance but most importantly, reasonably priced, Aeronaut has automated cutting systems which designed for the smaller upholstery business or just-in-time manufacturing.

Aeronaut's game changing SiliconEye machine vision system was designed for upholstery and aftermarket car seats where a business needs to turn around a high quality product from woven, vinyl or leather materials in a short time. Traditional templates and patterns can be digitised in a few seconds to create patterns to either edit and refine or cut directly. SiliconEye brings high performance interactive nesting and autonesting onto leather hides to the market at a price that any upholsterer can afford.

Aeronaut's rotary blade cutters are faster and more accurate than high ply cutters with oscillating blades. A rotary blade can cut almost all upholstery materials including wool, synthetics, vinyls and leather. Inkjet print heads mean you can mark on almost any material. Where the material permits, a creasing tool can help with fabrication. If time is tight and budgets are constrained, an Aeronaut cutter will suit both very well.

The Tools of Your Trade


Aeronaut's entry level Elektron Mono LC or Ikon cutters are high performance, well-priced automated cutters which can be fitted with all the tools and accessories for upholstery, marine and motor trimming. These are fast, accurate and industrial strength cutters designed to work hard.


The Mikron 2 cutter is a fast, economical and very versatile cutter which is made in a range of sizes which suit upholstery of all types and will fit a half hide. The Mikron 2 comes as standard with a Cyclops machine vision camera and can be fitted with SiliconEye machine vision for tracing and digitising and interactive nesting.


The Elektron Quattro is made in cut widths to suit roll and full hide cutting. The Elektron Quattro can be fitted with 2, 3 or 4 steered tool axes and carry large and small rotary blade cutters, drag blades and punch tools to handle the most complex work. The Elektron Quattro is a fully featured, future proof industrial strength cutting system.

Cam-lock Quick Change Tools

Cam-lock tools can be changed by hand in a few seconds so you can fit the tools you need, when you need. On the Elektron Quattro, tools are changed automatically under software control.

The Cam-lock tool range includes 18mm, 28mm and 45mm rotary blades, tangential or drag knives with various depth stops for normal and high friction materials, creasing and scoring tools in a wide range of profiles and drill-punch sizes from pin to over 25mm. Drill-punch inserts are easy to sharpen and exchange.

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Software, Nesting and Technology

Nesting & Control

Aeronaut's Tangent software is the key to reducing fabric waste and Tangent's powerful and user friendly cutter control is essential to increase production. 


Fast and efficient autonesting can pay for a cutting system in months if your fabric is expensive - and isn't waste fabric the most expensive fabric in your business? 

Autotracing Patterns

Aeronaut's revolutionary SiliconEye machine vision software can accurately trace and digitise a table full of patterns in seconds.

Inkjet Printing

Inkjet printing is the fastest way to do pattern numbers, markings and reference text on almost any fabric.

Contact Aeronaut

Get the facts from the factory direct. If you want advice on automated cutting, an offer on a complete cutting system or to arrange a demonstration, just ask!