Tangent Autonest+
The gold standard in autonesting
We all know that time is money but in the technical textiles field, waste fabric is as just as expensive as time… sometimes more expensive. Good autonesting should be fast, efficient and easy to use to the point where you don't have to ask what it costs because good autonesting software pays for itself in a few weeks. Tangent's built-in Autonest+ has an unbeatable combination of speed, fabric savings and features at a very cost-effective price.

Time Saving. The Autonest API is built into Tangent so there's no swapping programs when you nest. Tangent's Autonest+ can nest hundreds of patterns in under 10 seconds. Set a slightly longer nesting time and you'll get a few percent better fabric savings.
Expensive Fabric Saving. If your business cuts two or three tables an hour of fabric that costs over $100 per metre and you save 300-400mm of fabric per table, that's over $800 per shift saved.
Data Saving. Tangent Autonest+ doesn't change your file structure. There are some truly horrible nesting programs around which change splines into point to point polygons. In Tangent, pattern structure is retained after autonesting so can expect the same results however you nest.
Tangent Autonest+ Key Features
This file of 160 patterns is almost 1 kilometre long un-nested. Given 10 seconds, Tangent Autonest+ nested this queue down to something which looked good enough to be cut right away. Given a minute, it returned a nest with just 6% waste fabric. It just doesn't make sense to nest manually!

Tangent Autonest+ nests more efficiently than any nesting software Aeronaut has tested. This set of patterns is from a Very Big Furniture company and though they probably send zillions on nesting software, Tangent Autonest+ saved another 2.8% fabric on a 17 metre queue. If you are cutting the same queue over and over again, that sort of saving really adds up.

Nest Around Faults
Faults are a fact of life with textiles. Tangent Autonest+ is fast enough to be able to dynamically nest patterns around faults while the fabric is on the cutting table. With Aeronaut's SiliconEye machine vision, you can easily recognise and digitise faults, whether they're a simple pulled thread or a stain area.

Nest Within Frames
For maximum accuracy, many industries like sailmakers like to nest and cut entirely within frames or the length of their cutting table. Tangent Autonest+ gives you the freedom to nest within or across frames and Tangent controls whether all patterns in the frame are cut.

Nest into Shapes
Tangent Autonest+ can nest into background shapes as easily as into an open queue of patterns. You can create shapes with Tangent's Rectangles and Grids function, in CAD software or digitise using Cyclops or SiliconEye, set them as a background pattern and then autonest inside. This is a great way of using scrap material or unevenly cut end of rolls.

Contact Aeronaut
Get the facts from the factory direct. If you want advice on automated cutting, an offer on a complete cutting system or to arrange a demonstration, just ask!