Automated Cutters for Lightweight Aircraft, Parachutes & Hang Gliders
Aeronaut laser cutters are the automated cutting machine of choice for hang glider, lightweight aircraft, microlight, paraglider and recreational parachute manufacturers around the world. While the laser cutter is the same as ones used for military and aerospace work, the budget and type of laser may be different.
Low to medium power lasers are extensively used for production of parachutes and paragliders. Hang gliders and aircraft made from laminates can be easily blade cut because edge sealing is not such a big requirement. A laser cutting table the the best cutter for ripstop Nylon since laser cutting guarantees an all-round sealed cut edge, something you cannot get on a conveyor cutter.
When cutting fabric for microlights and hang gliders, industrial strength construction of Aeronaut's cutters combined with secure vacuum hold down and a concentric marker holder makes sure left and right wing panels are symmetrical, eliminating most post production trimming.

With a flatbed laser cutter and an inkjet print head, nothing touches the material while it's being cut. This means no movement of the material with wrinkles and bubbles pushed across the table. The vacuum bed holds the patterns securely meaning cutting can be a productive, stress free, hands off operation in small or large factories.

The Tools of Your Trade
Aeronaut's "All Metal" CO2 laser cutters will cut the full range of parachute materials including Nylon, Cordura, Dyneema, Kevlar, foam and almost all synthetic fabrics. Aeronaut manufactures low, medium and high power laser cutters using US made laser tubes with exceptionally long service life, all of which are suitable for paraglider, parachute and associated equipment manufacture.
Low power laser cutters are lighter weight and more agile than high power laser cutters so they're ideally suited to cutting parachute Nylon. The higher power lasers come into their own when cutting other materials for harnesses and containers etc. where the higher power level means better cut speeds on heavier materials.
Some paraglider materials can be stack cut with a laser however other materials, mainly those used in parachutes which have a different coating, are unsuitable for stack cutting with a laser because the material welds together while being cut and tears when separated.
Blade cutters can be on laminates, Dacron, carbon and parachute nylon. It's not quite as hands off due to the nature of the fabric and you don't get edge sealing but for prototyping or low production volumes, an accurate cutter is far better than scissors.
Aeronaut's entry level Elektron Mono LC or Ikon cutters are set the standard for high performance entry level blade cutters yet they're no more expensive than less capable machines. These heavy duty cutters have Cam-lock quick change tooling and are available in cut widths to suit parachute and harness materials. The Elektron Mono is intended as a full turnkey installation machine while the Ikon is an industrial strength cutter which you can install yourself.
Aeronaut's Elektron Vi30 Laser is a low power laser able to cut most parachute Nylon at production speeds of over 1000mm/sec (39"/sec). Since the laser and chassis are light, the Elektron Vi30 laser is an agile machine capable of high throughput. It's made to the same industrial strength standards as Aeronaut's higher power lasers and can be fitted with the essential accessories like and inkjet print head for reliable high-speed marking.
Elektron Ti60 - 100 lasers are production lasers suitable for all parachute work. Fitted with a long-wheelbase stable chassis, these medium power lasers are light enough for high speed cutting and powerful enough for the other materials used in parachute manufacture. The Elektron Ti60 - 100 range is available in air or water cooled versions for all environmental conditions and can be fitted with the essential accessories like and inkjet print head for reliable high-speed marking.
Software, Nesting and Technology
Contact Aeronaut
Get the facts from the factory direct. If you want advice on automated cutting, an offer on a complete cutting system or to arrange a demonstration, just ask!